Safety Screw

Safety Screw is important part, it secures other component parts and the pump.

Safety Screw is important part, it secures other component parts and the pumps. When power drops or surges and also some component parts fails, safety screw is torn apart, then the pump stops working.   This secures the other component parts to damage further. After that, cross check to find out which component parts fails or damages. Once, the certain failure part is found, replace the part and also change the safety screws. Now, the pump is in ready condition to work again. Furthermore, Hiblow has standard of air pressure control. In other words, Hiblow has safety function on air pressure when volume of air pressure overflow at a certain level or above limited level, safety screws is torn apart or broken to secure the other component parts and the pumps. This allows to cross check cause of the failure on volume of the over airflow in the pumps in early stage before the other component parts or the pump will be damaged.


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